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jeudi 10 avril 2014

Benefits Of Drilling Noise Control

By Anita Ortega

Sound that is of high intensity from machines that drill oils is a disturbance to people living near the area of activity. It needs to be regulated as it causes a number of health problems. Regulation of sound can be done in numerous techniques such as engineering mechanisms and construction of barriers. Many companies are using modern techniques to regulate sound intensity that are associated with activities they carry out. Drilling noise control management should be implemented for it has a number of advantages.

The noise that comes from the boring machines is usually in high intensity thus can lead to hearing impairment. Ears are made to receive and respond to certain sound intensity within a certain frequency. If the intensity and the frequency of sound exceeds, it endangers human ear organs, as they can easily get impaired. It is thus vital for the companies to ensure that they regulate the intensity of sound for the safety of the people around their working area.

High intensity sounds also causes thickening of blood resulting to many health complications. This hinders blood circulation in the body as well as oxygen supply to essential organs of the body. This causes breathing difficulties thus causing some parts to function ineffectively. Efforts should be made to ensure that such health impairments are avoided.

You are likely to have low thinking ability due to the effects of high intensity sounds. This also causes frequent headaches that render you uncomfortable thus affecting the way you do your daily activities. The brain is tailored to function well in less noisy areas thus it is is likely to affect the way it functions. To avoid reduced productivity of people resulting from effects of noises thus control measures need to be put in place.

Regulation of sounds reduces noises and this helps to reduce the anxiety and stress to the people. Excessive sound leads to discomforts that hinder an individual from performing his or her essential activities effectively. However, with controlled sounds, people are able to run their activities well without any inconveniences of stress or anxiety.

High intensity sound causes poor cognitive functions to people. It also causes cardiovascular problems, as there is oxygen deficiency in the body organs. This makes children who learn in areas of high sounds to experience low cognitive functions and cardiovascular problems making them to perform poorly in school. Conducive environment need to be created for learning institutions and this can be achieved by regulating the sound that drilling equipment produce.

Industrial areas have been adversely affected in terms of population density, as many people tend to run away from noise pollution. People are aware of the effects that are related to sound pollution and they usually run to evade them. This also affects people in terms of recreation and privacy rendering them uncomfortable.

Oil drilling plants should promote peaceful environment for living and human activities by standardizing the intensity of sound they release to the environment. This would enhance effective performance of people in their activities thus improving their standards of living. It as well protects human health by avoiding all health defects that result due to high sounds thus creating a suitable environment for humans.

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