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mercredi 1 avril 2015

A Look Into The Search And Helicopter Rescue Equipment

By Iva Cannon

Not every one of us has had the opportunity of using flight as their means of transport. This can be attributed to the fact that it is quite costly and this means that not most of us can afford. While traveling by sea, rail or road, we cannot rule out the fact that sometimes accidents may occur, hence this calls for the introduction of search and helicopter rescue equipment. These tools will help save trapped people.

A little malfunction within the vessel or loss of control by the captain may cause a water vessel to capsize. When this happens, the search and save mission operators spring into action in order save the lives of the victims. The crew man lowers himself to the victim and places the straps carefully in their clothes and ascends into the jet with them before they can seek medical help.

One of the equipment that is necessary while rescuing a survivor is the capture strap. While lowering yourself from the jet, you must ensure that the kind of capture strap is strong enough to mount onto the jet and can strap itself onto the back of the individual.

Victims who are trapped in tall buildings or deep into the forest cannot be accessed easily. This is why the rope that is needed to lower the crew man should be one that is strong enough to hold the weight, must be long enough and must have a smooth finishing to prevent friction in the hands.

It is not out of the ordinary that a mission should fail especially when the straps are not properly secured. This is when the strap fall arrester comes into the picture. This will reduce the impact of a fall that can otherwise occur if one decides to opt for the ordinary rope other than the standard one.

Another very important tool is the life jacket. This is a king of clothing that is inflated in order to counter the resistance force while in air. One can also float freely on air while wearing the life jacket. They are fitted with side buckles and an adjustable back strap for maximum comfort while engaging in the mission.

The crew man involved in the mission, must have a waist belt that does not bring a lot of pressure to his diaphragm. This must conform according to the British standards which specifies that the personal equipment must be able to prevent a fall from a height. Once it is attached to a tang buckle, a safety snap hook and a rope, they can work in conjunction in order to complete the mission.

Bearing all these in mind, we must be able to know how to handle accidents so that lives are not lost at any given time. Whenever there is an occurrence that involves people who have been trapped in buildings, deep into the woods when on a camping trip or those who are traveling by sea, we need to accept that these kind of operations can only be done by the experts.

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