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dimanche 4 janvier 2015

Basic Guide To Mine Surveys

By Stacey Burt

The mining industry is the economic sector that includes the exploration and mining operations. It relates to extraction of minerals, rare earth metals including, for example copper, iron or gold. Its activity is framed in most countries by a Mining Code (mine surveys). It is an important source of revenue (direct and indirect) of water pollution, air, soil and ecosystems by metals.

The copper mines of Iberian Peninsula were already 2500 BC. Chr. Developed by a Copper Age culture (Los Millares). From here the Bell Beaker people spread metallurgical skills in Europe. In ancient times, the silver mines of Laurion were famous. There slaves worked for the Athens citizens. The Romans exploited the old mines in Tartessos, in Britain and Dacia (Romania) and further developed in other provinces new.

The mining industry has provided the bulk of coal mined since the beginning of industrial revolution (here in an open pit mine. It faces a scarcity of readily available resources, and in case of coal to problem fossil resources in terms of impacts on climate change.

This industry, in context of globalization and while some sectors are already facing an increasingly scarce resource must meet multiple demands and sometimes contradictory; a short-term benefit of demand, the shareholders and the markets, an increasing demand for material from particular manufacturers, the energy sector (coal ..) and construction including an application for the principles of sustainability development and geostrategic balances.

After exhausting the most readily accessibles3 deposits, and as the demand pressure grows on some rare earth metals and the mining industry often has to use more energy and sometimes take more risks, while often producing more wastes, and sometimes "dirty" waste to extract soil mineral resources. Or you have to get them away, above (in mountains in Andes for example) or deeper under the sea or in basement.

One example is the 200-mile zone called by coastal States. Successful cross-border conflict rules such as the European Coal and Steel Community (as a forerunner of EU), the North Sea oil or the Svalbard Treaty established a stable basis for international cooperation.

A natural tendency is to look for valuable metals (gold, platinum ...) The race for the most sought gold metal ranks first with 47% of global mineral exploration expenditures 4 this rate can be much higher in some countries (over 60% in Quebec in 2005 5. The jewelry would even the first engine of global demand for gold: more than 80% of gold mined each year is transformed .

The prehistoric miners teuften up to 15 m from deep shafts in flint-bearing strata, and constructed routes. As tools Hoes antler and stone were used. In Obourg in Belgium abortive prehistoric miner was found with his equipment. The great need of civilizations of Middle East in metals is revealed early on also from European mines, which were probably developed by prospectors. Copper mines in Bulgaria and Yugoslavia were dated by pottery in 4th millennium BC (v. Chr.). In Rudna Glava (Serbia) vertical shafts penetrate 25 meters deep into mountain.

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