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lundi 26 janvier 2015

Simple Instructions On What To Consider When Dealing With Insecurities In A Relationship

By Janine Hughes

Living in constant fear that you might lose your partner can cripple your relationship. There are some thoughts that engulf the mind of a person which are non-beneficial. Such feelings are expressed as jealousy. Almost everyone experience insecurities at one point or another in their lives. Such feelings should however not hinder your ability to maintain your relationships. Getting the right advice or opinion might assist one in dealing with insecurities in a relationship.

First the notion that the whole world revolves around your doorstep is one of the causes of insecurities. Self-centered behaviors result into trivial misunderstandings resulting into serious problems. When your partners refuse to eat, there are those who readily assume it might be an indirect criticism of their cooking probably.

Instead of forming such baseless conclusions based on perceptions and not facts, one should consider that probably they had a rough day and lost their appetite altogether. Those who do not feel secure enough develop the habit of constantly over analyzing whatever their partner does or says. This creates animosity.

On suspecting something hidden or sinister in their tone or posture, you do not have to take a confrontational approach. This only drives the individual further away as they automatically shift into defensive gear too. Exercising restraint and patience is usually the most advisable option.

There are those who spent the whole day trying to figure out exactly what their partner has on their mind. Burdening themselves with such thoughts only weighs their brain with unnecessary anxiety. This is followed by constant psychoanalysis that only worsens the situation. Every action or statement made by one partner shall be interpreted to mean something else. Everyone requires having their own privacy and space at times. Constantly inquiring on the exploits, unspoken thoughts or intentions of another can breed resentment.

As for those who are overwhelmed by the fears of their partners abandoning them, they should not imagine worst case scenarios. The end of one relationship does not mean that the world will come caving in. Whatever one had with their partner ends and they are at liberty to find another and begin another.

The moment one begins to compare their present relationship with those they had during their past, there is a problem. There might be something that is triggering insecurities that might affect both of you. It is advisable for one to take some time out to recover from their past relationships before proceeding and entering another one. There are those cases were one was victim to abuse, violence, dishonesty or unfaithfulness. It does not mean that every other person out there is another potential culprit.

It is usually advisable for those who were at a previously disastrous relationship to consider some time off before going into another one. There are times that the baggage carried from the past explodes and makes the person difficult to relate and communicate to. The affected individual is always living in the fear of being replicated the same thing in their marriage. This fear of the unknown makes you always suspicious of your partner resulting into a lot of friction between the two of you. If there is an issue that requires clarification for you to be satisfied, avoid confrontation but rather quietly approach your partner.

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