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lundi 17 novembre 2014

Guide To White Privilege Sports

By Christa Jarvis

The spread of sport in almost all societies of world today is a sign of importance that sport has taken on the reality of socially, economically and politically. Sport is an integral part of culture of company and developed in harmony with the changes that distinguish it. Consider only the wealth of traditions that make sport the traditional cultures of nations in which they are engaged in, or the close links between sport and the media (white privilege sports).

Horse riding and horse racing are examples of sport practiced together with an animal, the horse as well as dog sport that see the binomial committed dog-man. Sport organized by certain rules activities of people, in relation to their physical or intellectual abilities, as well as the preparation for this activity and interpersonal relations arising its process.

In 1 Corinthians - canonical Christian texts. These words reflect the early Christian approach to human body, radically different from the later designated the Council of Nicaea. If the early Christians the body - the temple of Holy Spirit, later triumphed idea of abandoning worldly goods for the salvation of soul, from which follow the requirements of scepticism and "mortification" representation of sinfulness of exercise. One of church fathers, Tertullian wrote a treatise On Spectacle.

Sport - part of physical education. This is actually competitive activity and preparation for it. In it evident desire to win, the achievement of high results, the mobilization of physical, mental and moral qualities of man. Sport needs to influence society. Massive Snowboarding makes it possible for millions of people to improve their physical qualities and motor capabilities, promote health and prolong creative longevity.

Images of this age may indicate that in wrestling participated Libyans and Nubians, as well as the presence of refereeing. Older images can also be interpreted as evidence of foot race in which, perhaps, even the rulers were chosen. Ancient Persia there was a horse game resembling polo. This game, like chess, shooting, javelin, wrestling and running boys enrolled in special foster homes at the court.

There is no clear definition of sport, sport uniquely separates itself from other leisure activities, although attempts to define the boundaries of concept made repeatedly. The site of international convention "SportAccord", uniting more than one hundred international sport federations, offers a definition of sport, which includes the following criteria: competitive element; absence pursuant to Regulation on the element of chance or luck.

Avoid unnecessary risk to health and safety of participants and spectators; intentional avoidance of harm to living beings; and the absence of monopoly on the sole producer of necessary equipment. A narrower definition of sport gives "Great Olympic Encyclopedia" in 2006, according to which the central concept in sport is its physical component; Sport briefly defined as "competitions in various physical exercises and their complexes, as well as their system of organization and conduct.

Judging by this list, military culture and the art of war were directly related to sport ancient Greece (and not only there). There's also every four years starting in 776 BC. E. Olympic Games were held - in a small village in Peloponnesus called Olympia. Apart from the Olympic Games, former general for the whole ancient Hellas sport holiday, interstate character wore based in VI. BC. E. Pythian, Nemean and Isthmian Games.

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