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vendredi 9 mai 2014

Knowing Abc's Of Military Funerals

By Dianna Sanders

Military families do not anticipate the terrible news that a loved one has died while on duty. All persons part of the force and regardless of the type of rank are offered standard burial procedures including a dignified transportation to the site. With Military Funeral Services it is all about honoring the individual who has made sacrifices for his or her country.

A deceased member can be handled with the greatest respect and care including a casket covered in a flag representative of their country. The coffin is moved to a facility where the ceremonial processes are put in place for a burial. A deceased will be dressed in uniform as a sign of respect and integrity.

Military personnel will transport the casket feet first while saluting and standing to attention through the procession. The focus of these types of funerals is on maintaining the honor and the dignity of the deceased. Standard procedures are followed whether the person passed on while on duty, retired or was honorably discharged.

The casket is transported to the burial site and will be draped with a country flag. Depending on religious beliefs, a priest or representative will be present to send the individual off in peace and with blessings for the family. Once the ceremony is completed, the flag is folded and offered to the family.

In some instances, the family may request that the body be handed over for a private burial service. All staff are provided the option of a traditional procession with focus placed on dignity, honor, and integrity. These standards are implemented regardless of the event in which the person had passed on.

Such services are conducted with the utmost respect. Honor guards will be present to uphold the standards of the burial and ensure that all duties are implemented. Ceremonial processes should be offered by staff members in accordance with funeral facilities.

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