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vendredi 9 mai 2014

How Absentia Reiki Is Done

By Heidi Carver

In this world, you will see all physical things. The mountains and the seas, the trees and the flowers, the buildings, the animals and the people. But somewhere in the vast intensity of your thoughts, there exists a metaphysical world. You may not know where this dimension lies on earth, but you could only access it through your mental powers.

The mind is a powerful tool which affects your disposition and being. It is practically the most influential part of you. This is why there are too many events that are presented to be from a different dimension. Along with this are the many rituals which were derived from this particular concept. One of which is the absentia reiki.

You might wonder is the movies depicting this kind of activities bear some reality. Say for example X men. You might ask if there really is a thing like the power possessed by Jean Grey. Being able to manipulate things with just eye contact. This phenomena is true in some sense. You can even do it yourself if you practice.

With reiki, there is involvement of the spirit. Actually reiki is a Japanese term. In Japanese, their words have meaning for every syllable. In this case, rei is a term which stands for essence or transcendental spirit. On the other hand, ki is a term that stands for energy. When the two are combined, it means a ritual that utilizes energy for the spirit.

There is another activity similar in principle to this, and it is the yoga. Yoga is involved in a deep concentration though, but it is similar to reiki in this respect. That is, that they are able to connect to the other dimension. This is why those who engage to this particular activity merit deep relaxation and benefit from their healing.

This method is heavily observed in religious practices. For example in the Catholic religion, priests often use their hands to bless the people, having the belief that heavenly blessings descend to the believers from those hands. It is the same with this method. The practitioner lays his hands on the person and transfers his energy to him.

The history of this actually came from a Japanese dean of a Christian University in Kyoto. It began with a discovery of a scroll from the ancient times. The dean, by the name Dr. Miako Usui followed what was said in the scroll and acquired power to heal. Then Dr. Usui passed it on to his pupils and then it was later known because of its effective results.

This ritual is done with the recipient lying on a massage table. The manner of doing this is much like the other rituals. Symbols and chants are performed by practitioners while the recipient lay silently on the therapy table fully clothed. The session is done by experienced practitioners and usually consumes about an hour.

But it could also be done without the person and even to a group. This is what is meant by absentia. The procedure here is very much similar to praying for someone. However, the practitioner will need the picture, the name, the location, and the permit of the person. It is said to be equally the same.

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