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samedi 7 novembre 2015

How To Finally Be Yourself Even If Everyone Tells You Otherwise

By Evan Sanders

There's a massive amount of pressure on you.

One of the worst things you can do for your character is be someone that you are not. Unfortunately, it happens to many of us where we start to morph into something completely unknown to us instead of be uniquely ourselves.

But that's life.

But there's a different way.

When you decide to drop the act of being someone else and open up to being exactly who you are you give yourself the ability to become something completely different. You actually become the person you were always meant to be.

Isn't that amazing?

The more that you express yourself and the further away from normal you get the more that you begin to feel the gravity of that pull attempting to bring you back in. The rest of the world, as much as they revere those that innovate and change things, doesn't want you to become an outlier. But that's where most innovators passions live - on the fringes. This is where genius lives. That's where vision and dreams live. These are the most unique places in life.

Being yourself isn't always the easiest thing in the world, but it's one of the most worthwhile adventures you can go on. It will send you down a path of discovery and personal development you never thought possible. It will bring out things in you that you never thought existed. Truly, it is one of the most exciting things there is to do.

So chase your dreams and be yourself. Make sure you are doing what you want to do in this life and bringing out the best version of yourself. Sure there will be challenges that come up alone the way, but that comes with playing a big game in life. It's better to be on the field than sitting in the stands.

Be happy with being different.

Chase your dreams. Be different. Go out into the world and make an impact. Give people the courage to do the same. Be a light for others when all they can see is darkness.

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