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mercredi 11 mars 2015

Racism In Professional Sports Organizations

By Leslie Ball

The African American individuals are discriminated everywhere in almost every single thing in humanity. Nevertheless when it comes to the sports arena, the actions is quite different. There are several players from the black American decent who have by now been able to establish successful career in many types of games like football, athletics and basketball among others. This article analyses racism in professional sports.

When the choosing of the team members is being done, people are qualified based on their level of skill. It is not possible to practice racism in such a case because if someone from the preferred race does not know how to play they cannot be forced. The coaches have to be genuine because in the end they want their teams to be good performers. This is why the sports teams have a variety of people from different races.

Despite this, some people still think that to some degree, the black folks are still being discriminated in this industry. Although it is difficult to exclude blacks from teams, individuals have found a method to not have them in the more professional jobs like the trainers. Most of these jobs are being done by the white counterparts.

According to a certain study, it was found that the black American people dominate the field in athletics and football but they are underrepresented when it comes to the management. On average, it is the African American people who have a higher tendency of involvement in these sporting activities therefore it is such an irony that they people who represent them are not from their race.

For someone to properly manage a team, they have to have a lot of skill and experience in this game so that they can easily understand everything that is happening. If people were fair, it is the black people who would have held more seats in the managements since they have better understanding of the games they play.

It is very clear that several white managers and also players are still experiencing a very difficult time accepting the black counterparts and they express it openly. For instance, there is a sport manager who was a moment ago caught on tape cautioning his girlfriend to immediately stop posting photos with African American people mainly in the social media pages.

Aside from the person mentioned, there must be numerous other people who have the same thoughts as he does only that they are very afraid to express their true feelings due to the penalties they will be forced to face after that. Some of them go ahead and mistakenly make remarks that are racist even if they believe they are not.

In conclusion, despite the few bad people in the society discriminating others, there are still many others who have come out trying to support the fight against racists. This situation has highly improved that the first black president was elected in the United States of America. Many people have since realized that all people are equal but with different skin colors. This is the message that the sports managements are required to understand.

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