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samedi 15 mars 2014

How To Manage The Fighting In A Relationship In Controlled Limits

By Barbara Firer

If you are in a relationship, there are always brighter and dark sides of it. It is needless to say that there will be arguments and one has to manage those arguments skillfully so that it does not create any damage to your relationships. People often consider arguments to be counter productive and to create negative environments. However arguments are pretty normal in any kind of relationship. If it is done in the right way it opens up solutions to problems and build new strength of the relationship.

However, knowing how to argue is certainly a skill that most of us could improve upon.

* Some people take fighting very seriously and may be so concerned about winning that they lose sight of what they actually disagree about!

* Some actually obtain the teeth in to a quarrel, filling in an increasing number of ammo right up until these people sometimes accomplish a knock-out or maybe his or her spouse surrenders!

* Some couples find that they end up arguing about the same issues over and again because they have failed to come to any resolution during previous 'rounds'.So maybe now you can see why there are actually recommended 'rules' to fighting! So here in this article we are going to talk with you about how to hone up your marital communication skills and fight fair with your spouse!

* Sometimes the arguments are repetitive and couples keep doing it when they are clueless about what to do.

When they fail to find any solution they think by doing it again and again may result in a solution but that is not true.

Make sure you are discussing the cause of the issue and not a symptom of it.

2. Stick to the topic!

2. Remain faithful to the topic!

3. Don't get personal!

2. Stick to the topic!

Do not beat around the bush. be precise and fact based when you are going to argue.

Treat your partner as you want to be treated. Try to remain calm, not raise your voice and generally create an atmosphere of discussion rather than all out war! No name calling, no swearing, no throwing things - just discuss the issue at hand without getting overly emotional - you will have far more chance of a successful discussion this way.

5. Win/Win, Win/Lose, Lose/Lose

5. Win/Win, Win/Lose, Lose/Lose

* If you 'win', don't gloat.

5. Win/Win, Win/Lose, Lose/Lose

The above situations could arise from an argument and be ready to face them whatever they may be and face it with open arms. If you both win, feel proud of yourselves for a successful conflict resolution

If you both win, feel proud of yourselves for a successful conflict resolution

6. Time out!

Don't' dispute endlessly with no decision. For anyone who is planning round inside sectors advise people end in the meantime and also consider just what each other include said - however necessarily mean the item when people go back to your conversation try to provide a few brand new tricks to deal with the situation and do not basically keep on in which people left off.

7. Listen

If you can adopt even a few of these tactics we are certain you will see an improvement in how you argue.

If you want to pick up more hints and tips on arguing check out our free communications video course as well as some useful, hand-picked resources specifically on fighting fair.

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