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jeudi 5 mars 2015

The Effects Of Racism In Sports Media

By Leslie Ball

Originally, people were born, grew up, worked and eventually died in their respective communities. The need to move out into places never really bothered people so much. When transportation channels developed and now people could easily move from one place to another, things changed. The change escalated when the national governments decided to urbanize the communities. The consequences of racism in sports media are catastrophic in nature.

The naming and development of capital cities and other urban centers made people to opt to leave their homelands in a search for greener pastures. The people that moved had intentions such as looking for better paying jobs, probably a more modernized environment or perhaps better education opportunities and many other reasons.

The platform only worked well at bringing people from different parts of the world together. These cities were occupied by people from all cultures, races and other walks of life. Living in these cities was quite an interesting affair as one had to learn a new thing every day. The costs of living were quite high though and many could not afford a living in these places.

One of the commonest tendencies amongst these people was nepotism. It can be described as the tendency for one to favor the people of either his family or clan while appointing jobs to subordinates in the organization. This culture undermines development as most times the employed people do not have the required skills to perform the given job.

Nepotism is a very common vice among such society. People would rather hire an incompetent family member as opposed to hiring a total stranger. The selfish nature of humans made them to want all the profits for themselves and hence forbidding the entry of other people from other families and tribal affiliations.

One of the worst vices to be ever developed in these metropolitan states is that of racism. This is basically the segregation or treatment of people different basing on their particular race or color of their skins. This act this has been condemned harshly by both government and human activists over the years however there are still traces of it especially in the sports media.

This was especially in the sports media. A sport is an activity carried out for leisure purposes, most of these activities are competitive in nature and at the end one or more of the players are expected to emerge victors. The commonest sports activities carried out include examples such as rugby, volleyball, basketball and others. The particular sport played depends on the place. Some people involve self in sports for leisure and recreation whiles other for economic reasons.

The lack of unity and togetherness made some people to speak ill of others simply because of the color of their skin. This was especially habitual with the media houses. These used the press for the wrong motive of tarnishing the image of sports men on grounds not concerned with the performance one puts up on the team

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