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lundi 16 février 2015

Why Using A Medical Tourism Facilitator Is So Important

By Beryl Dalton

Nowadays travelling to distant parts of the planet no longer means an arduous journey that takes months to complete. People now routinely travel to all parts of the world. In the past, people mostly travelled for business and for pleasure but there are other reasons too. One of the biggest growing sectors of the travelling market is medically related. People travel to other countries for health reasons. There are many reasons why they do so, but the services of a reliable medical tourism facilitator are essential.

Travelling abroad for healing purposes is not new. For centuries people have travelled long distance to seek help from famous healers. Just think about the many examples cited in the Bible. It is not just healers that were sought after either. Many places boasted baths or treatment centres that were reputed to heal a wide variety of ailments. People flocked to such places.

In modern times, many ill people travel abroad for treatment simply because their own countries do not have the facilities or the specialists necessary to provide the desired treatment. In some cases patients are motivated to travel because of long waiting lists at local facilities. Those that can afford it do not mind paying huge sums of money or suffering the discomfort of long distance travel for vital treatment.

The availability of specialists or suitable facilities is not the only reason people travel abroad for treatment. Some facilities and specialists enjoy international recognition for the treatment of specific conditions. Those that can afford it and that requires only the very best medical attention will not hesitate to travel and to pay for that treatment. In many cases they are willing to pay exorbitant sums to gain admittance to famous facilities.

Money also plays a very important role. Ill people in countries boasting very strong currencies can often ensure significant savings when they undergo treatment in countries that offer a favourable exchange rate. Countries such as South Africa that boast world class medical facilities are often sought after for specialist treatment. In some cases savings of up to fifty per cent can be achieved.

Patients need to be careful, however. There are some dangers involved in getting treatment in a foreign country. In many cases there will be no way in which to achieve legal satisfaction if things go wrong. Complications at a later stage may also necessitate further visits to the country where the treatment was administered. There are even some countries that are suspected of taking advantage of ill visitors.

Honest patients need to make sure that they employ the services of a specially registered and qualified operator to make all the arrangements for their treatment in a foreign country. There are international and regional bodies controlling this industries and it is certainly better to opt for the legal route. In some parts of the world there are very strict laws against the illegal treatment of foreigners.

When calamity strikes in the form of a life threatening disease it is only natural that the person afflicted or his loved ones will go to the ends of the earth for a solution. It is vital, however, not to react to vague rumours or to waste money on questionable quests. It is important to remain realistic and to get expert advice.

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