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jeudi 4 décembre 2014

Benefits Of Dealing With Insecurities In A Relationship

By Claudine Hodges

It is sad that though insecurity is one of the major killers of many relationships, many people are not able to overcome it. In most cases, feeling of insecurity comes in when spouses are not able to trust one another in the right way. Lack of trust makes them keeping on suspecting that their partners are doing something fishy behind their back. This is sad, especially when it is an allegation. It can lead to emotional pains, and eventually kill the love between the lovers. Dealing with insecurities in a relationship is a great way of making sure that lovers enjoy their love relationship.

It is very important to have a good self-esteem. This is because; a low self-esteem leads to problems when it comes to confidence. You find that people with such issues find it hard to express themselves to their partners. Ascertain that your partner understands you in every way possible so that you can have a good life together.

Self condemnation is very destructive since it hurts your ego. There is nothing bad as believing that you are not important and there are better people than you out there. It hurts your body and soul and therefore, you might not be able to rise to greater heights in your career or relationship. Low self esteem is acquired from the environment and therefore, it can be unlearned.

Many people are normally overzealous when they are undertaking some of the life issues. For instance some people are just looking for a perfect suitor in their relationship of which is very difficult to get. It is important to make the check list less by eliminating some of the unnecessary characteristics.

The fact is that some people never let certain past experiences go. They hold unto them, thus making it hard for them to enjoy love. If your past lover was unfaithful to you, it does not mean that the current one will be unfaithful as well. The fact is that you need to let the bad memories of your past relationships go, for you to enjoy love a flesh.

Many people do not know that everything is mental. Every problem you experience starts from the mind, and that is where the solution lies. You therefore need to control your thoughts so that they do not get you or your spouse into problems. Always be conscious about what you say or how you act. Once words are said, they cannot be recovered back. It is therefore better for you to be safe than sorry.

Communication is also a good way that would help you to ensure that you get to know why something never happened as you would like. For instance you may agree with your partner to show up at a certain venue. It is always important to be patient and excuse him or her if something led to the failure of the meeting.

In conclusion, sex is another thing that has proven to set many couples apart. When a couple cannot enjoy sex together due to any reason, it causes a lot of problems when one of the partners tries to seek sexual gratification from other quarters. To avoid infidelity, couples need to be subjective to each other when it comes to matters of sex.

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