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mardi 4 février 2014

Tips For Writing Spiritual Poetry, Stories, And More

By Jayne Rutledge

There are many reasons to write: perhaps you want your work to be published, or perhaps you simply want to record your thoughts or get them out as a form of meditation or therapy. There are also many different types of writing: historical novels, spiritual poetry, and autobiography are just a few examples. Writing can be intimidating if you do not have much experience, and even experienced writers often encounter blocks in their creativity. Here are some ideas for inspiration.

1. Stay in practice. Put something on paper (or on screen) every day. For some people, this means setting a goal such as "I will write at least 200 words each day." If this works for you, do it. However, it isn't necessary to choose a number. You might simply update your Facebook status, write an email to a friend, or write in your diary. Those things count, as long as you put thought into the way you are putting your words together.

2. Read regularly. There are lots of ways to do this. You do not have to read novels or poetry all the time, if they are not your preference. You can read news articles, movie reviews, biographies, anything you want. Just make sure to find writers who write the way that you want to write, and read their work. This will help you to feel inspired and motivated.

3. Find a community of writers. If you never talk to other people who are writing, you may begin to feel like you're just writing into a void. Having a writing community also helps when you are dealing with writer's block or discouragement, and helps you to know that other people experience those things, too.

4. Have a journal. Some people love to keep a daily record of events in their lives. However, that is not the only function of a journal. Perhaps you want to write in your journal only when you are especially happy or sad. Or, perhaps you want to keep it as a place to record your ideas for poems, stories or articles. Whatever its function in your life, a journal is a valuable tool for any writer.

5. Refrain from being a perfectionist. If you only want to write things that start out perfect, you will never write anything at all. Silence the critic in your head, and just write. The critic can come back out to play when you are editing.

6. Show your work to someone. This is an intimidating thing, especially for a novice writer. It is fine if it takes you awhile to get to the point where you feel comfortable sharing your writing. Eventually, however, it will be incredibly helpful to have an audience and to get some feedback, even if you are sharing only with your closest, most trusted friends.

Writing is one of the most useful and rewarding skills you can possess. It is one of the primary ways that we communicate, for both artistic and practical reasons. Obviously, everyone is not going to write romance novels or spiritual poetry. But everyone does need to make themselves understood through writing at some point. Whether it is through an email to a customer service representative, a memo to your coworkers, or a message in a birthday card, you will have to write something. The more you practice, the sharper your skills will become.

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