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mercredi 5 février 2014

Perfect Newspaper Retention Strategies To Increase Subscribers

By Jerri Perry

Certain strategies must be in place in order to execute an effective newspaper retention program. If not, millions of people that are employed by a news agency that produces hard copy news publications on a daily basis will be out of work. People who enjoy the ritual of retrieving the paper each morning on the sidewalk will not be able to do so anymore.

Accessing a database that contains customer information will give news room workers access to data that can be used to establish a strategy for increasing sales. Any actions taken by these people will not be considered wasted, because the information will be verified as correct during this process. For profits to continue, all managers will have to identify where money is being wasted and stop it. Otherwise, the news company will show no profits.

Steps can be taken to perfect the manner in which new customers are identified. New clients can be identified through many means, but most come from testimonials made by family and friends. Some come from the people who deliver papers on a route. Other leads are generated by the general public when calls come in asking what new formats for reading the news are available to them.

Contact with a sales lead can get very exciting, when clients are offered deals for subscriptions that are activated that day. The terms of the deals that are offered to prospective customers are set in stone, so that no customer will awkward about the treatment that they received from the sales agent. To retain quality relations with the work force, some ideas for deals should come from an employees perspective.

To increase leads, some marketing specialists will send present subscribers a survey to fill out. On this form, the customer will have the opportunity to state facts and opinions about the newspaper service. Client leads can be generated through this medium, and problem areas can be identified and dealt with properly.

Great care should be given to ensure that readers continue to enjoy getting a newspaper delivered to homes and offices. One way to ensure this is to produce a product that is useful to the community at large and that it is distributed to the customer using a method that the customer prefers the most. These surveys can be distributed to customers to identify their preferences and update information that will identify where the digital formats of the news are to be sent and what rates will apply.

In order to increase subscribers, some publishing houses will provide customers will rewards for their honest feedback. Remaining in touch with each subscriber is crucial if the publishers want the customer to feel appreciated and wanted. For referring a friend, a client may receive a new subscription that is extended six months with no additional charges. A certain number of issues may be provided at no charge when more leads are generated by the client.

In order for newspaper retention strategies to work effectively, there is no room for complacency in the company. New technologies should be embraced and utilized but satisfaction levels must also be monitored continuously and new clients must be identified through any means possible. Customers want to know the latest news, and do not care what format it is delivered in. Stress good services practices and the importance of making the customer happy.

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