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mercredi 4 juin 2014

Why You Should Always Use English When Approaching Japanese Girls

By Kaku Nanashi

"Konichiwa" or "Hello"? Bilingual playboys have differing opinions when it comes to what language one should use when approaching girls in Japan.

I have done my share of approaching in both Japanese and English, and I must say, using English has always yielded better results for me. However, I am not a normal gaijin, so your mileage may vary. Here's my reasoning:

Differentiating Myself and Circumventing Social Expectations

Most Japanese men who approach strange women and attempt to chat them up do a absolutely terrible job of it. It's just not a normal activity in Japanese culture. Therefore, it is important to differentiate yourself from these chumps by using English when you approach a Japanese girl, especially if you look Japanese like I do. Triggering a subconscious response that labels you as a chump is never a good idea.

I like to immediately separate myself from the hordes of thirsty Japanese dudes and what is culturally expected from them with a simple English greeting. This may seem like over-thinking it, but dating is a numbers game and every little edge helps.

Most Japanese people do not hear much English on a daily basis. Even fewer have English spoken to them. Using English to approach most Japanese girls will be a moment of their day that they won't easily forget. It is in your best interest to use this to your advantage.

Quick Filtering and Reliable Responses

Precisely because being approached in English is out of the norm for your average Japanese girl on the street, her reaction to that approach will be more polarized. Some girls will freeze up or run away, others will squeal with delight. Either way, you have a higher chance of eliciting a reaction that even the most socially oblivious simpleton will recognize. Once you get a positive reaction, you can then proceed knowing full well that that girl is buying what you're selling.

More Action, Less Excuses

Waltzing up to women you don't know and initiating conversation can be stressful. And even though my Japanese is near-native level, conversing in English is still much more comfortable for me. To encourage myself to, or rather to prevent discouraging myself from approaching girls, I stick to an ultra-simple set of English phrases.

You don't have to worry too much about the girl not understanding you. English education here is bad, but it's not so bad that they won't know what "hello" means. Use whatever greeting comes naturally to you and see where it takes you.

In Closing

As with any advice, do not take this as gospel; go out and try it for yourself. Let me know how it works for you. I'd also love to know if this works for bilinguals in other countries.

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