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jeudi 30 janvier 2014

Facts On Concealed Carry Apparel

Facts On Concealed Carry Apparel

by Serena Price

Men and women like concealed carry apparel because it allows them to carry their weapon undetected. Licensed firearm holders want to be prepared for any situation. However, they do not necessarily want to alert potential attackers to the fact that they are prepared. They also are usually uninterested in letting thieves know exactly what size or shape gun they may have with them.

While women may choose to carry a purse which is specially designed for firearms, that is not always the option they want to pursue. Ladies may also feel freer moving around about their job without a bag weighing down their shoulder or in their hand. It is more convenient to keep a weapon hidden on her person.

Clothing that is designed to hide all sorts of handguns can be used when you want to keep firearms with you but would like others to remain unaware. These garments allow you to freely and discreetly attend community meetings, business conferences, graduations and religious gatherings without divulging facts about your level of preparedness for emergencies.

There are generally lots of options for men when it comes to this category. In fact, there are usually more alternatives than women generally have in this area. However, ladies can still find gear that matches their own needs. Manufacturers have realized that there is a market for garments which are exclusively designed to suit the female form. These give users comfort and allow them to defend themselves discreetly at the same time.

Lightweight tactical shirts in many different colors are popular among males. These are designed to be comfortable and functional. Your skin will not feel sticky or clammy in these garments since the clothing is made from cotton and other natural materials. You can choose from either long or short sleeves and while some are suitable for work, others are ideal casual wear.

Specially designed shorts for women are the perfect way to conceal your handgun when you have it with you. This makes it possible for you to wear a pair of slacks or a skirt without needing a belt. People often to want to exercise in gym shorts, sweat pants or other clothing that does not require belts and these shorts make it possible to do that and stay armed.

Shorts built for men work in a similar way. Like the <A href="">concealed carry apparel</A> for women, they are made with matching holsters. They suits both left and right handed persons since one holster is on each side. You will have enough space for your firearm and any magazines or other gear that should be kept with you.

Holster shirts are ideal for casual or formal environments. This type of concealed carry apparel has strong fabric pockets located under each arm. These can hold extra handguns, speedloaders or magazines. This garment is made with a shoulder yoke which assists in distributing weight along the back and both shoulders. This helps to make the weapons more accessible and allows you to move freely.

You can visit <a href=""></a> for more helpful information about Facts On Concealed Carry Apparel.

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mercredi 29 janvier 2014

How We Can Begin to Free Ourselves From Certain Self-Imposed Burdens

The third Monday in January in the United States is a date Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., is honored. Yes, the man and what he sacrificed and gained for many is remembered, but what is also supposed to be remembered and honored as well is our choice-and our responsibility-to act with and from higher thought, emotion, word, action, and Care for ourselves and for all who share our human experience.

This is what, from the speech, got my attention in a particular way: "I have a dream that one day... the sons of former slaves and the sons of former slave owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood... and all of God's children... will sing... 'Free at last! Free at last!'" We often miss the fact that it isn't only those who are caused to be in or are coerced into any form of oppression who are oppressed or enslaved, but also those who actively engage in this practice or who condone or perpetuate, through their ambivalence or ignore-ance, any form of oppression, be that in our personal lives or on a larger canvas.

 Whether at the individual or collective level, no one who controls or manipulates or oppresses, or seeks to (or allows it), is free, nor can they be, until they cease such practices.

When anyone seeks to control, manipulate, coerce, or unfairly treat another in any way, he or she is no freer than those who receive such treatment: the finer qualities of their true spiritual natures and of their humanity are blocked; practiced long enough, these qualities wither. The individuals are or become slaves themselves, oppressed by their own fears, insecurities, and immoral behaviors, recognized as such or not-locked into a mental-emotional cage of their own making or choice. Deep down they know this imbalance exists, though their affected or afflicted ego aspects or psyches may attempt to dress this in different garments. As a result, they believe the only thing that will ease this unease or dis-ease is to do more of the same in order to attain their goal: to feel powerful enough to feel secure, whatever the cost, whatever the means.

Any individual, group, or institution burdens and oppresses themselves when they practice taking anything from others, whether it be something tangible or dignity or basic Rights, in order to enhance or empower themselves; or withholds what would benefit or uplift others; practices hate or ambivalence rather than Love, or oppression rather than honor the Right of Free Will for all, that is, Free Will based on acting in accordance with the Natural Laws and their Unifying Principle.

The premise of the Natural Laws and the Unifying Principle is that there are standards about right and wrong which do not rely on anyone deciding or decreeing what they are, that humans have an inherent understanding of these and the ability to recognize one from the other, e.g., theft (of life, property, security) is wrong. The Universe is a spiritual construct designed by the Creator for us to have experiences and learn and grow in Higher Consciousness. The more we all practice this the more we all benefit. The less we all practice this the less we all benefit.

The 7 Natural Laws, and their Unifying Principle, which are universal so do not recognize as exempt such things as boundary lines, race, religion, social position, or income brackets, are these:

The Law of Mentalism: Thoughts are formed before any manifestation; therefore, thoughts create things and conditions. We are to be responsible for our own thoughts rather than think, speak, and act from programming, especially flawed mental-emotional programming. We are to recognize pathological thinking and behavior, which includes oppression of any kind, when we see it, so that we may address it and cease passing it down (teaching it) to generations that follow.

The Law of Correspondence: The above is like or similar to the below. The macro- and microcosms mirror each other. As individuals are or behave, so will the collective be or behave. As the collective is or behaves, so will be the individuals be or behave. This is when the Law of Mentalism can assist us: we have personal responsibility when it comes to our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions.

The Law of Vibration: There is no non-motion or complete rest; everything moves. Everything vibrates. The Universe is pure vibratory energy manifesting itself in different ways. All matter is energy in a state of vibration; nothing is truly solid. This means that everything changes, that everything is in a constant state of change. Our thoughts, emotions, words, and actions are ultimately vibrations that create manifested experiences. We are meant to be responsible co-creators, about what we create or don't create, change or don't change.

The Law of Polarity: Everything has a dual nature, that is, has its pair of opposites. However, the opposites are identical in nature, but different in degree, just as hot and cold are both measures of temperature, but different in degree. Skin color is a matter of degree in pigmentation; nothing more, nothing less: we are human beings. Any other (perceived) difference, including culture, is imposed by man, not by the Creator.

The Law of Rhythm: Everything has its tides, its ascents and descents. Rhythm compensates: the measure of the pendulum swing to the right is the same measure of the swing to the left. Rhythm is real, but not set in stone. Rhythm reveals tendencies; therefore, Consciousness can override a tendency.

The Law of Cause and Effect: Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause. Chance is what we call a Law not recognized. No matter the cause, nothing escapes this Law. We have the Right of Free Will, but not to ignore the Natural Laws and the Unifying Principle without consequences. There is a time lag for what is often called Karma (you reap what you sow; what goes around comes around). And the effect is not always delivered to us on a one-to-one basis, alone. The effect is also experienced by the collective humanity, whether that's a result of action or inaction, whether positive or negative.

The Law of Gender: Gender is in everything. Everything and everyone has its masculine and feminine principles. The highest form of this is in exercising the Sacred Masculine AND the Sacred Feminine together.

 The Sacred Masculine embodies the use of intellect, reason, and the self-defense principle to protect ourselves and others when our or their Creator-Given Rights are infringed upon. The Sacred Feminine embodies creativity, intuition, and the non-aggression principle: to not steal life, property, or the Rights of another; to not initiate violence or violation in any form upon another.

The Unifying Principle that binds or encompasses the 7 Natural Laws: CARE. Care is the causal factor that generates creation. Care is that which you give your attention to and nurture. How you focus your attention and what you feed into that attention generates experiences and results. Feed ignorance, apathy, or oppression and you fuel more of each and ensure they grow. Feed true Consciousness, common sense, and Care and you fuel more of each and ensure they grow. What we care about on a daily basis acts as the driving force of our thoughts, emotions, and actions. Care is the ultimate generator of the quality of our individual and collective experiences.

Our lives and the world are what they are because of how and how much we Care or don't care to do what's required to effect change and improvement, including raising our Higher Consciousness, when and where needed. We can improve the quality of our attention by putting it on information that can improve both our and the collective human condition. We should ask ourselves what we spend our time on, what we pay attention to, and what kind of quality, as opposed to just quantity, do we get in return. It is up to us to help ourselves and others by raising our Consciousness and assisting others in any non-infringing way that can be done.

Larken Rose wrote: When everyone has the same misperception of reality-when everyone believes something untrue, even something patently absurd-it doesn't feel untrue or absurd to them. When a false or illogical idea is constantly repeated and reinforced by nearly everyone, it rarely occurs to anyone to even begin to question it. In fact, most people become literally incapable of questioning it, because over time it becomes solidified in their minds as a given-an assumption that doesn't need a rational basis and doesn't need to be analyzed or reconsidered, because everyone knows it to be true... Such a deeply entrenched belief is invisible to those who believe it. When a mind has always thought of something in one way, that mind will imagine evidence... It is exceedingly uncomfortable and disturbing, even existentially terrifying, for someone to call into question one of the bedrock assumptions upon which his entire view of reality, and his entire moral code, has been based for all of his life... will not find it easy or pleasant to contemplate the possibility that his entire belief system is based upon a lie, and that much of what he has done throughout his life, as a result of believing that lie, has been harmful to himself, his friends and family, and humanity in general.

It is a burden to carry on with flawed mental and emotional programs running us, as individuals and as a collective, as though it's the only way we and life can be. It is a burden to try to figure out how to stay ahead or even just survive, when we know life could and should be better and more equitable than it is. It is a burden to dull our thinking, feeling, intuition, and caring rather than enhance them. It is a burden to have oppression of any kind (or slavery to any thing or idea, especially a false one) and oppressors. Dr. King had a dream of the day when both oppressed and oppressors would say, "Free at last!"

We can begin to free ourselves by becoming aware of what we're doing and what's going on around us that we, as a collective, have self-imposed through allowing or ignoring, and what we could be doing instead to make life a better experience. Edmund Burke said "... all that's necessary for evil to triumph is for good people to do nothing." George Bernard Shaw said "Progress is impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." This takes something Dr. King demonstrated: conscience, vision, and courage.

I, too, have a dream-of a world where we allow ourselves, and take on, the personal responsibility to be strong mentally, emotionally, and spiritually; a world where we look out for and are supportive of one another; a world where no person goes hungry, and has access to not just healthy foods but healthier foods; a world where no person goes without proper shelter and clean water; a world where we strive for and attain excellence in all we think, feel, say, and create, freed from the worry of how to make enough or just enough to live on-but done so in a way where the Free Will Rights of all are exercised and enjoyed, based on Natural Laws being understood and practiced by all, from true Wisdom and Higher Consciousness; a world where we practice Care. What we could create and experience with that! It's a good practice, one you'll appreciate.

Just Be Happy

A lot of us feel incomplete, well, most of us actually. Though we may have the things we want, we still aren't happy. Take some time to read some tips on how to live a life worth living instead of living a life making a living.

1. Stay simple. Just have what you need and not what you want. A lot of people overlook the things they have and start to spend money on unnecessary objects and still feel incomplete.

2. Enjoy your job. The more you appreciate your job the lesser the stress it gives. A lot of people tend to whine about their work, whining really doesn't help at all. It's okay to whine, but if you do it at every single thing your work gives to you, then the problem is just you. Adapt to your work for some may not even have a job to start with.

3. Cherish your time when you are with your family. Family always comes first, they are always there when you need them the most, friends may come and go but family doesn't. It's never too late to reestablish your relationship with your family, the closer the ties, the better. It wouldn't hurt to talk to them, or spend some time with one another. Find mutual topics between you and your family to talk about and enjoy a good time.

4. Be productive. No matter how small the achievement is, it is still an achievement. Being productive makes your mind active, healthy and alert which gives you a good head start to your day ahead.

5. Have a hobby. Play some musical instruments, invest some time to learn them or maybe even read a book. I'd advise to read a book instead of reading it online on your PC because reading a book is less strenuous to your eyes and is less likely to cause eye problems. The choice of hobby is yours, if you still don't have a hobby, it's never too late to have one.

6. Spend less time with your computers and have a quiet simple day. Have personal conversations, have a visit to your friend's house or to your family instead of conversing through your phone or through the internet. Not only does it hone your speaking and social skills, it also paves ways to better relationships.

7. Don't over think. Over thinking about problems tends to create more problems that weren't there before. Calm your mind and breathe slowly, a calm mind is always better than an irrational one.

8. Have enough sleep and sleep early. A lot of people stay up late in the evening and wake up late in the morning. Doing so gives us less time to do things for the day making it less productive. Discipline your sleeping habits and give your body its well deserved sleep.

9. Plan the things you want to do for the day. Planning the things you want to do gives you a good mindset and gives you more energy for the tasks ahead. Manage your time and stop procrastinating.

10. Enjoy the simple things life has to offer. Fly a kite, play with your kids, talk to your parents, it's all up to you. You'll realize just how priceless these moments are in the long run. Live a life worth living for yourself, and for everyone you care for.

Create Your Own Miracle

The Course in Miracles defines a Miracle as a 'shift in perception'. I recently experienced a miracle in my life as I was doing some healing work on myself. My intention for the past year and continuing through 2014 is to manifest a state of ideal health. I had a serious wake-up call last year with the tumor I developed in my spinal cord. I could have ended up paraplegic.

I knew surgery was the best option but I also had to deal with the thought of, "what if the doctor slipped during surgery and I ended up paralyzed anyhow?" It was pretty intense. Fortunately, surgery went off without a hitch. (I have always attracted excellent surgeons.) It's a long road to recovery, but there have been many miracles along the way.

The Course in Miracles also says, "All thought creates form on some level." I realized that I created the tumor because for years I bought into feeling unloved by my mother due to neglect I experienced in childhood. I thought I had forgiven my mother, but apparently I hadn't. Sometimes we think we forgive, when in reality all we do is stuff our feelings and our bodies cannot help but manifest that energy somewhere, and often it manifests some form of illness.

I experienced debilitating symptoms with respect to the tumor when driving to see my family for Thanksgiving 2012. (Although I didn't know at that time what was wrong with me.) For seven days after returning home, I proceeded to implement the Forgiveness Diet with a specific focus on forgiving my mom, and it worked! By Christmas that same year, just a few short weeks later, my mom gave me everything I had been hoping for as a kid. Most of which was her time.

My sister and I had planned a surprise 70th birthday party for our mom, whose birthday was the week after

Christmas. Mom spent two days with us at my aunt's house, and she didn't worry about what her man thought. In fact he encouraged her to spend time with us. She also took the entire week off from work, which was huge! My biggest complaints about my childhood were that my mom seemed to put work and time with her husband (my step dad who's now deceased) before my sister and I, which made me feel as though I wasn't important to my mom, and that seriously affected my self-esteem and feelings of self-worth.

You see, my mom had recently reunited with her high school sweetheart after 50 years. Their break up in the sixties was the wound my mom needed to heal from all this time. They were in college (mom a freshman and Rog a senior), and my grandparents approached Roger and asked him to stop seeing my mom because they were afraid she wouldn't finish college, because Mom and Rog had been talking about getting married.
In those days, it was important to respect your elders, and Roger submitted to their request even though he was heartbroken. The hard part was he didn't tell my mom - he just disappeared out of her life. My mom was devastated because she had no idea her parents had this conversation with him. The irony is she dropped out of college anyhow.

As a result of being wounded at that age, she essentially stunted her emotional growth and parented us as a nineteen year old girl would. Going out to the bar with my stepdad was her priority as it would have been with any nineteen year-old, even though my mom was in her thirties at the time she neglected us.

Now that my mom and Roger reunited, my mom was able to heal from her wounds, find out what my grandparents did, and realize that Rog had always loved her and tried his whole life to reconnect with her. They are living together now, she feels safe and secure, he provides for her (which my stepdad never did) and they live a cozy, comfortable life filled with incredible love and gratitude. They work in the garden together in the summer, cook together all the time, and feed the birds together and watch them frolic through the kitchen window.

My mom healed her wounds. I did the work I needed to do to forgive her for how I felt she 'wronged' me, and that Christmas 2012 I received the best gift from her I ever could have - which was her time. She finally put my sister and me before work and before her man. I felt so loved and cared for that week, that I was then able to manifest a clear path to the answers around the tumor that I had been suffering with for a year and half and had no idea what was wrong with me.

Within 10 weeks of that Christmas, because I now felt loved, I was analyzed, diagnosed, and surgery was complete. You see the upper portion of your back where the tumor sat, represented 'feeling unloved' in Louise Hay's book You Can Heal Your Life. I manifested the tumor by choosing to feel unloved, and I manifested its removal by choosing to feel loved. I was able to receive my mom's love because I finally healed myself of my feelings of victimhood, resentment and anger by working on myself to heal those feelings through The Forgiveness Diet.

Mom and I didn't have a knock down drag out fight. We didn't discuss our feelings for hours, days, or years on end. I didn't confront her and insist she apologize. All I did was heal my feelings toward her, and in that shift of perception a miracle occurred. I stopped judging her for what she didn't give me and I was finally able to empathize with was she went through. She was only passing on what she knew.

Her parents both worked two and three jobs to support the family. She mistakenly learned that work was most important. Her wounds caused her to seek approval and validation in her mate, and she had no idea that she was parenting in an irresponsible way. I have completely forgiven my mom and my life is fuller for doing so.

I don't carry resentment and anger with me anymore, which significantly impacts my ability to heal my body. I am able to be more loving and understanding with my mate, family, friends, and employees. There is a better cycle being perpetuated now that I chose to heal my feelings. I chose to shift my perception. I chose to create my own miracle.

And you can do the same. Get ready to experience a lighter, brighter view of the world. Uncover how to receive all the love you need. Reveal how to stop feeling like a victim, because you'll have nothing to gripe about anymore, since your feelings of lack, judgment, anger, and resentment will be extinguished. You'll be free of the chains that bind you. You'll choose love. You'll experience a shift in perception. You will have Created Your Own Miracle.

As Chief Manifester and Author of Manifest Your Man® Stacy Corrigan empowers women worldwide to eliminate the blocks that keep them from attracting love into their lives.

In her gentle, yet captivating style, Stacy will teach you how to love yourself first, guide you toward your magnificence, and ultimately prepare you to fall head over heels with your man.

Do You Enjoy The Beauty Of The Moment?

Last September, I did it. I stopped making excuses and went on a whale-watching tour in Vancouver. It had been my heart's desire since many years, and I had tears in my eyes when I reserved the tour.
One week prior to the tour, my inner child was full of tension. Will the weather conditions allow the tour? I anxiously observed the forecast. It was supposed to rain all day. Would the event really take place?

On the morning of the tour, I woke up accompanied by the squawking of the sea gulls, and a ray of the sun entered shyly into my room. I saw a piece of blue sky through the gap of the curtains. I sighed deeply and smiled. All was well. I would be able to do the trip. I got ready and walked to the hotel in downtown Vancouver where the bus driver picked me up to bring me to the landing place of the boat in Richmond.

One hour later, I sat at the back of the boat, thickly packed in all the clothes I had brought with me to protect myself from the chilly airstream while the sun was warming my face. The roaring sound of the engines hurt in my ears and made it impossible to hear anything else, while the boat cut through the mirror-like surface of the Pacific that was unusually calm that day. There was nearly no wave, no movement.

The prediction was to see a pod of killer whales during the tour, and suddenly they were there. The boat stopped. Stillness surrounded us. The people in the boat ran to the side where the whales had appeared, hid their eyes behind their cameras and tried to make the perfect photo to hang on to it forever. I did the same.

After three attempts, I stopped this impossible venture, and observed how the beauty of the moment revealed itself:

Two pods of whales had a cheerful encounter in the sea. Their beautiful black and white colors showed up when they did spy hopping and put their head out of the water. One whale even jumped out of it once. They seemed to be playing with each other, just like two families having an afternoon full of games, and I could feel a tingling joy in the air. I had never seen whales in the wildlife before, and tears of gratitude entered into my eyes as I observed their playfulness. We accompanied them for a while until the engines of the boat roared up again, and the boat took up speed. It seemed that we would also be able to watch some humpback whales that day.

The boat hunted through the sea in zig-zag patterns, until somebody screamed out, "There they are." There, they were: two adult humpback whales, gliding through the water in their rhythm that was like a graceful dance. Their tail fins showed up for a second, then they descended into the deepness of the Pacific. Some minutes later, they emerged again and repeated their elegant movements. The boats with the whale-watchers followed them cautiously, anxious to be close to the spot of their next appearance. The two whales offered an image of harmony and synchronicity, transmitting grace, peace and perfection.

The guide said, "It is a miracle to see two types of whales on the same day." For me, this day was a miracle, the two encounters with the whales a wonderful gift from the universe. I don't have any photos, but the wonderful sensations that day has given me will stay forever in my heart.

Your Beliefs and Your Success

Want to succeed in life? Change your beliefs, it's as simple as that. I know I've said it before along with countless other individuals in the field of personal development but it is extremely important for one to change his or her beliefs in order to reach a goal.

See. We all want a quick fix when it comes to altering our beliefs and our lives but in reality there really is no quick fix just tools that can speed up the process.

About 3 months ago I had to change my beliefs about waking up at 6:00 am. My internal alarm and my cell phone wanted me to get up at 6:45am which would allow enough time to eat breakfast, drink coffee, and get to the office but I had a desire to change this so that I had an extra hour in the morning to be productive. I thought about all of the stuff I knew about personal development and used a few techniques.

I Looked at the situation from a different angle.

I took a step back from the situation. I thought to myself there are countless people in the world who get up an hour earlier than I do (even some that wake up 2 hours earlier). I said, if they can do it why cant I? This method of stepping back from the situation is important and can be applied to anything; weight loss, quitting a bad habit, starting a business, changing a belief, etc. Think about your situation. Ask yourself questions. One question I asked was, "if I go to bed at a reasonable time and allow myself 7 hours, isn't that enough time to sleep? Is the extra 45 minutes going to make all of the difference."

I began to affirm.

I said to myself, each night as I fell asleep, "I wake up each day at 6:00 am and have enough energy to go about my day." I literally chanted this in my head. I began to believe these words in time and was able to reach my goals.

Set an affirmation for yourself - We do this in hypnosis sessions and find that clients have an easier time reaching their goals/altering their beliefs. Make sure your affirmations are positive and in the present tense.
Begin taking steps, don't just leap.

When altering a belief it is important to take little steps as opposed to one big leap. I started setting the alarm for 6:30 for a few days, 6:20, 6:10 and finally 6:00a. I believe that instead of taking a giant leap if we set these smaller goals for ourselves it won't be such a shock to the mind and the body. This same technique can be used to reach your weight loss goal, your sales targets, quitting a habit, starting something new, etc. Look at your goal as getting to the top floor of the house, you wouldn't just leap you would take the steps.

Continue to set new goals

When I reached my goal of waking up early I continued to wake up early throughout the week. I set new goals which helped me wake up and stay excited. I knew that if I was going to continue to wake up early I would have to have a reason to wake up. If you are building a business, trying to lose weight, trying to rid yourself of a bad habit or anxiety, think about the motivating forces behind your ambition. Are you attempting something because it will allow you freedom in other areas of your life? Once you reach your first milestone are their other goals that you can set to keep you motivated? Think about these things.

What Is, Why and How To Develop Self-Confidence?

What Is Self-Confidence?

Self-confidence is the way you feel about yourself based upon your perception of how effectively you deal with the world - the people around you - your imagination - your environment. People with a great deal of self-confidence feel good about themselves and think that they are able to achieve more and more in their lives. In short, they feel that they are in control of their "worlds".

Why Develop Self-Confidence?

You need to develop and build up your self-confidence because your success is very much influenced by your level of self-confidence. Your self-confidence acts as trigger for you to do better and better - contribute more and more - and work better and better. The more challenging the life is for you, the greater the need for self-worth inside you. Your ability to overcome obstacles in your life is enhanced if you have high self-esteem. So, keep learning on how to develop / build and increase your self-confidence.

Do Most People Have Self-Confidence?

Definitely yes! Even mad people have self-confidence in some areas. They are mad because, they believe that what they are doing are right while others are wrong! That's why, they remain mad! Try argue with mad people and wait what you will hear. Their words will be full of negative self-confidence. If you continue "arguing" with them, you will never win because mad people fully believe with their negativities!
You were born champion. You are great! And, as a normal person, you surely have self-confidence. Though, you might think at times in a negative way but so long as you are able to turn your negative thoughts into positive, you are back to greatness again!

Remember again, you were born champion! Continue to be positive and you will be greater! The more areas of self-confidence you have, the better you will be. People who have positive self-confidence in many areas, tend to be happier, in control of their lives and are less prone to depression and anxiety.

Can I Improve My Current Level of Self-Confidence. If Yes, How?

Certainly! The best way to develop, build up and increase your self-confidence is to find a job or do only the job that you truly like and have a passion in it. You must also believe that with persistence & determination, you will continue improving your self-worth - resulting in you achieving your best. The efforts that you do, the results that you achieve, give you the experience and more self-confidence - making yourself a much better person.

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